Thursday, October 02, 2008

The 100th Anniversary Celebration

I know there are other good churches besides the Church of the Nazarene. I know entry into heaven will not require a Nazarene membership card or the ability to name all of the General Superintendants or know the secret Nazarene handshake (you don’t know the secret Nazarene handshake? I can’t tell you, it’s a secret). I know there are lots and lots of people who have never heard of Phineas F. Bresee or Pilot Point, Texas and don’t know the difference between NMI and NYI that will still make it through the pearly gates. Still, I am thankful for the Church of the Nazarene.

I know it’s not always popular these days to claim denominational loyalty. I suppose some folks even view denominations as an out dated expression of the Church. And I know the Nazarene church isn’t perfect. (They let a guy like me be a member for crying out loud, and I am far from perfect). It has some flaws. Still, I don’t know where I would be if not for the Church of the Nazarene. Yes, I am thankful for our 100 year old church.

On Sunday, we will be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Church of the Nazarene. We’ll have cake and celebrate the anniversary, and like all Nazarene churches around the world we will celebrate communion together. We’ll still have Sunday School and I’ll still continue on our “Elephant in the Church” series (This week it’s the “Mean Elephant” of judgmental attitudes), but Sunday will also be a day for us to say “Thank You” to God for the Church of the Nazarene and ask for God’s blessing for the next 100 years.

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